What all the features on the dashboard mean
Frequently Asked Questions
Watch from 00:12
If you’re trying to find the user in an emergency, we’d recommend activating emergency tracking. This makes the watch send a location every 30 seconds, rather than every 2 minutes.
You could also use this if you’d like to test the watch is tracking effectively.
Watch at 0:42
You can call the watch in two ways. Firstly, you can press ‘call watch’ at the bottom of the dashboard. This will open the phone number in your cell phone’s dialer. Pressing call in the dialer, assuming your cell phone number is in the device’s contacts section.
Watch at 2:03
The wearer is at home banner appears when the watch is within 33 feet of the home or mini beacon. When the watch knows it’s near these beacons, it thinks that it’s at home.
These should be placed around the home, to cover as much of the home area as possible, so when the watch is in the range of these beacons, you’ll know they’re at home.
You can read more on this in the Mini Beacon section.
If the watch hasn’t got enough signal to make a call, it records an SOS message. The watch will then need to upload the message so it can be listened to in the app. There might be a short delay while the watch gets enough signal to send the SOS message to the app.
If the call icon and arrows are in green, this means that the call was answered.
If the arrow points left, this means that the watch has been called by another phone. The phone number will be from the phone that called the watch.
If the arrow points right, this means that the watch has made the call. The phone number it shows might show a non-US phone number, which is due to the call functionality being set up outside the US. Don’t worry, there will be no extra charges!
There are two different types of alerts, dismissable alerts and non-dismissable alerts.
Dismissible alerts are important alerts where you’ll need to acknowledge them before they disappear.
The following alerts need to be acknowledged by you and the brackets explain what they mean:
- No connection (the device has no cell signal)
- SOS Call, no answer (the user has tried to make a call from the watch and it wasn’t answered)
- Device left/entered area – “[area name]” (the user has left/entered a GeoFence/Safe Zone)
- Device left home area (the user has left the beacon range/home)
- User has fallen
- Battery empty – shutdown (the watch has completely ran out of battery)
Non-dismissible alerts are alerts that you may want to be alerted of, but will fix themselves as soon as the problem is solved.
The following alerts don’t need to be dismissed and the brackets explain what will dismiss them automatically.
- Battery low (to fix this, place the watch on charge)
- Battery charging interrupted (to fix this, place the watch on charge)
- Connection warning (to fix this, take the watch to an area with better signal, or wait for the watch to move into a better signal area and it will reconnect)
- Home beacon power warning (to fix this, plug the charging cradle back in)
- Watch clock hands calibration warning (to fix this, place the watch back on the charging cradle, if this still doesn’t work, please contact us.)